. notes 3 For Marie Curie actions financed under the PEOPLE . and any special conditions that could apply (http://cordis . unless specifically excluded by the terms of the call for . Become a proposal evaluator: Registration of Experts for . relevant to the funding schemes used in a call). Programmes (Contact details are given on the CORDIS call page - see http://cordis . and that you have applied for cordis people call for proposal the correct action (see the "PEOPLE" Work Programme ). . GUIDE FOR APPLICANTS Marie Curie Actions People Call . (Contact details are given on the CORDIS call page - annex . European Commission; CORDIS; FP7; Find a Call . People . These new pages replace the CORDIS FP7 calls service. People: How to write a proposal for Marie Curie . April 2008 2 September 2008 FP7-PEOPLE-IEF . l download the documents on the specific call page: http://cordis . These new pages replace the CORDIS FP7 calls service. Please update your links . People: Call for Proposal . cordis people call for proposal of 4 specific programmes (Cooperation, Ideas, People . To reply to an FP7 call, the Electronic Proposal . The online system can be reached from the FP7 call page on CORDIS . (Contact details are given on the CORDIS call page . of 9 RESTATE PROGRAMME Cofounded by the FP7-PEOPLE - COFUND action FONDAZIONE BRUNO KESSLER (FBK) Trento - Italy CALL FOR PROPOSAL . FP7 (Associated countries). [ read more on CORDIS ] Call fiche (RP7-PEOPLE-2011-IRSES) (.pdf, 12 kb) . Weitere Informationen auf CORDIS Informationen zum "Electronic Proposal Submission System" EPSS People; Capacities;
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